Piggy Bank Project

The Piggy Bank Project's mission is to help instill into the next generation the value of saving. By matching students with volunteer mentors, we aim to provide young people with the experience and benefits of saving towards a financial goal. In weekly meetings, both in whole group settings and in mentor-guided clusters, students receive lessons about key financial concepts and are encouraged to save as much as possible. We reward student leadership and economic frugality by matching their savings, up to $100, at the end of the program.

The Piggy Bank Project collaborates with Mr. Rodger Horton and the Men of M.O.R.E. program at Chase Elementary School, which is a program at Cincinnati Public Schools.

This community engagement program aims to educate and give the next generation the tools and motivation they need to feel empowered in managing their money. If you would like to bring the Piggy Bank Project to your school or organization, or donate to matching funds for our students, send us an email.